Saturday, September 04, 2004

It happened again.

I don’t know what it is. But it happened again.
Once again I not only felt a deep mental peace, but extremely energetic and “happy”.
That strange feeling of “everything will be ok”.

Today was a rather cloudy day, with some rain in the afternoon.
At 3 o’clock I was arriving home, and my friend Jelix informed me he was going to the pool, and asked if I wanted to join.
I was kind of surprised with the idea, the sky was so dark that seemed it was going to fall on us. But I do not know whay, I said, yea! Let’s go.

The pool wasn’t as empty as other days. So Jelix and I were not on continuous lanes. I actually took one of the lanes that the pros use. You know, the ones separated with plastic floating wires. Anyway as we didn’t have the opportunity to talk or even check the progress of each other, we just swim and swim. I did my first 10 rounds (1km) in 27 minutes. Then I took a break. And then was informed that pretty soon I would have to leave the lane, as it was reserved. So I did another 5 rounds (500m) in 12 minutes. I pushed myself. And it felt good.

That was it, I called for the afternoon. Or so I thought. We went to eat something, and then home. Right after I arrived, at around 7:30pm, I still felt energetic, so hung the wet clothes, and prepared my bag again with my biking stuff. Yes, I left again, to bike.
And I did a good 20km in an hour. The first 14 minutes I was going at a steady 30km/h (fast for me). The second lap, I did again 30km/h and it was also 15 minutes. I felt so energetic. I didn’t want to leave, but I was also hungry. I have been very hungry lately.

So I left. I am home now; I had my shower and eat. And I do not feel tired. Strange.
I think it must be the feeling of accomplishment.

Maybe I may enroll myself in one of those triathlons. Not to win anything, but just for this feeling of accomplishment.

It feels good.

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