Sunday, July 30, 2006

My new dad.

Today our differences did not matter. We forgot about all that.

Altought the “destination” of the day was just to check out some piece of land, the “path” became a fun experience. As far as I can remember, it is the first time I go hiking with my dad.

And he is not in bad shape, for his age (let's be honest here, he was beating me hard on the trail).

Anyways, we got to share a few hours of common interests. Later we even went target shooting (with a pellets rifle).

Bonding with the family is always a good plus in life.




Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Making space for new things.

Yesterday I told somebody, that “you have to let go of your old things, to make space for the new ones”.

Today, that thought came and bit me in the ass. I just realized I have a lot of things I could get rid of.

So I started with a tinny collection of empty boxes...

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Monday, July 24, 2006

Trip 2006

I should have done this as it was happening, and that is the whole ide of why I took the notebook with me. But I did not.

Most of the unique daily events and experiences are fading away from my mind.

This trip was about seeing places.
And as beautiful as that was, I found something else in the process.
Something I thought I had lost.
Something that has nothing to do with places.
It was inside of me.
It was good to re-meet with my path making side.
It was good to walk in the unknown, and make my way, the way I wanted.
It was good to see how my personal limits are a bit farther away, than what I remembered.

It was good to stand in my two feet, in the middle of nowhere, and feel confident.