Saturday, January 01, 2005

A clean start.

I still remember my plan for last year. I was going to go to the Causeway and start running at 11:30pm, so I would be just coming back from Flamenco the next year. Well, it didn’t happen, as I felt asleep, and woke up with the fireworks.

This year, I had no plan. I just went to the Causeway at around 8:00pm, for the last bike ride of the year.

To my surprise, the place was desolated (which I liked). It was windy, the sky was cloudless, I could see the stars, and I could even hear the ocean crashing on the rocks. So peaceful, it was a 20km ride on heaven.

I thought about just staying there until midnight, but as usual, my stomach thought otherwise. So I came back, had a quick dinner and other things (I don’t know how I managed to burn 2 hours so quickly)…

Some nights, when I feel spiritual, I take a candle light shower. It is usually a meditation shower with self-massage. Tonight I was taking one, as the New Year arrived. So I guess we can call it a clean start.

This is going to be a good year.

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