Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tec Studio

It was about a year ago, that the Let's Camp store opened, and it became a place to meet and get to know other outdoors people.

It was there where I met Harold and Carlos. And altought I got to knew that Harold was a webmaster and Carlos an architect, I never really deepened into that subject.
Our general conversations where more about what we had in common, trips, camping, rappel, in general passion for adventure.

Anyways, today I was with my sister discussing the possibility of building a beach house, yet we had no idea who to call for this. So I call Carlos, just to test the waters.

I was thinking, this guy works alone, it is probably a small thing, I mean, he never brags about his work, it must be really a thing just to eat.

So he shows up today to my place, with a CD of pictures of a few things he has done.


Before 01

Before 02


After 01

After 02

After 03

After 04

After 05

After 06

After 07

After 08

After 09

After 10

Needless to say that I am impress.

And yes Carlos, I had to blog it, I just had to.

Carlos Amaya
Club x, Calle 9
Tel/fax: 261-2081
Cel: 6618-3508

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