Thursday, August 26, 2004

A night of mental peace.

So last night right after I arrived home, at around 7:30pm, I went to the Causeway to “play” with my toy.

And surpriseling for me, the “Alivio” worked like a charm. Perfect shifts on all gears. Including the 34T position.

I am not sure if it was the “Alivio” along, or the combination of other happy events I had yesterday, plus the new gadgets fort the bike (like the front and rear lights, and the compact tool set). But I felt like I could bike for ever. The bike felt better than new. So smooth, so good.

Now, after 35km I got hungry and the tiny M&M´s snacks were not enough, so I called for the night.

And after I pack the bike back in my car, I just sat down for a while, and felt such a mental peace. And all I could think of was “Life is good”.

Here is a picture I took moments before I got to the parking lot. On the left, a portion of the picture, the “Country Suites Hotel” and the restaurant “Fridays” can be seen. And for the really curious, on the upper right corner, there is a sign saying “calle sin salida” (that is Spanish and it means “dead end street”).

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