Friday, May 11, 2007

The Circle of Life.

I have been thinking about it for a while.

I thought I used this blog to write about me, my life, some of my adventures.

But, I have come to *realize* that I actually used it to *brag* a little bit about my life.

As time passes, I less and less feel the need to tell people who I am or what I do.

Maybe I am getting older, maybe I am getting wiser, or maybe I have a clog in my brain.

I feel it is time to let go, and maybe create some vacuum that I would fill with something else.

This blog was born on a random date. It is also dying on a random one.

Meanwhile, try reaching me on my [ Flick ] or my [ Hi5. ]


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giacmc said...

Requiescat in pace. But I always have enjoyed your posts because they took me to places I've never been, and am never likely to go. Also, you got to those places by biking or sailing or even rappeling, and that too was fun. Addio.

Hilary Jane said...

No tienes facebook? Yo tenia hi5 but it sux in comparison to facebook, so I closed it down. Or we can always have our 5 second chats via msn.