Yet, this was once in a lifetime family occasion, and I decided to take the invitation (what a difficult life I have, right?).
I arrived on my own wheels and behaved like a total tourist. I walked upright into the hall and took pictures of anything I could think of.
Then I went to the pool area, and guess what? I took even more pictures, including myself in some of them.
After finding my syster and parents, we made it to the restaruant. My dad was not impressed by the meal, but for me it was wonderful. I guess it depends on your point of view. For me it meant not having to cook, not having to do the dishes, having more than one kind of product on my plate and not having to pay for anything.
Well, after the meal (which by the way filled my up) we took a lake ride.
For once, I was a passenger on toured guide. [I sometimes work doing a lake tour in Colon].
It was kind of fun, picking on the tour guide, asking him weird questions.
[some of them, completely unrelated to the tour].
But then later, I would laugh, and let him know I was just busting him a little.
He did ok.
Nobody was trown out of the boat or feed to the cocodriles, and we returned to the marina.
The family made it all together to the rooms (which where like a mile away).
Being in the same room with my sister, felt actually kind of good.
It reminded me of when we where kids, and we all traveled together tru the world, and my parents made us sleep on the same room (even thought at that time, I strongly disliked it).
And then it happened, something I would have never thought of doing.
I ordered room service (did I mention this was once in a life time family event?).
And then we ordered desert (by now it is guaranteed this is the last time we get invited to a hotel).
Now for breakfast I did got out of the room (showered before that).
It was a good buffet, and I "stole" the mini-marmalade jars that where on our table (so next time I go camping, I can have toasts with marmalade on it, like a total snob).
By 10am I had nothing else to do [the kayaks where not available].
I had called Harold, to check if the Pipeline road hike was on, but it wasn't.
So I had to sacrifice myself to just lie on a hammock and relax.
It was kind of cool that I could hear the howler monkeys screaming far away.
I like thouse creatures.
So in summary, even tough I am not a fan of the resorts, I had a great time.
Thumbs up Mom for paying for everything :-P.
Yopu have no idea how much I love gamboa. I'd love to live there for the rest of my life.
I have been wondering about that resort. I went to Decameron in July. I was pleasantly surprised.
Thanks for the info!
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