Anyways, it is build on the entrance of the Chagres river and it was meant to be the fist line of protection against *the bad guys* like Henry Morgan, that kept coming with angry faces shooting cannonballs and wanting to get the gold that was in Panama.
Well, that fort is no longer needed, all the gold is gone (yea blame me). But because of the isolated location it makes a pretty ride to do.
So on the 26 of November I went with my BOA pals to ride the trail that gets to it.
Well it is not actually a trail, there is an excellent road that goes from the Gatun locks to the entrance of the Fort Sherman [one of the Gringos military bases].
After that, is where the fun begins. A quick stop at the Anam gatekeeper (to pay for the park entrance) and there we go on a mud and rocks road that a regular car could take slowly if it wasan't for the constant confrontation with fallen trees.
The round trip from the Gatun locks is about 46 km and an amateur as I am did it in 3 hours.
Yea, for some this might be discouraging, but I'll tell you, it is rewarding to bike the trail under the tree foliage and get to the magnificent view of the Chagres river entrance (this is the river we use to get the Panama Canal going).
On the way back we even encountered some howler monkeys on the trees. And we stopt to take a look at them (or for them to take a look at us).
Then the goup separated, mos of them took home, I decided to go to Portobelo and plant another cache there. [Check cache GCZHFT and GCZ9KDplanted during this trip].
With nothing else to say, let's take a look at the pictures.
1 comment:
I left a message but because I changed to Beta Blogger (i.e. shittier blogger) no me lo grabo.
I'd like it if you coule pretty please make a map of how to get to fuerte san lorenzo because I wanted to do a little cmaping trip there with a couple of friends.
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