I have a list of possible activities;
1)Camping in Cerro Azul.
2)A trip with some friends to San Blas island.
3)A “Mardi-grass” stile party (this sounds wild).
4)Hiking and rappel at Campana.
5)Camping and rappel at the Chagres waterfalls.
6)Trip to beach El Palmar.
I would say I was not short of appealing choices.
However, they all seemed like things others wanted me to be part of.
[Thank you all for the offerings].
So I embarked into the expedition of searching withing myself what I wanted.
It was not an easy ride, as it was plagued with creatures, some of them quite ugly, that would try to make me fail on my quest.
Nevertheless, the expedition was a success, and I found what I really wanted this weekend.
And it was simple.
To relax...
And there is nothing better to rest, than to be a little bit tired.
A few phone calls later, and we (Jelix and I) had tickets for a flight to Chiriqui tomorrow, and arregments to be pick up at the airport by the Chiriqui Rafting dudes.
I have a great digital camera and a plastic Acuapak bag to protect it.
However when padling is kind of triky to shoot pictures.
So I came up with the idea of building an “adapter” to hold the camera (in the pvc bag) to my helmet.
[Yes all this I wanted it ready for tomorrow]

I finished the prototype at 3:30pm. And I thought, this is HUGE.
So I got out to acquire a smaller helmet(there is nothing like a tiny bit of pressure to get things moving).

Tomorrow will tell if this invention works or not.
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