Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I am discovering abilities I didn’t know I had.

I have always been this shy guy, nerdy as hell, with programming and math abilities.

But lately, things are changing.
Maybe my right brain decided it was time for a revolution, and took over the left one.
I don’t know.

But five months ago, I got this camera, and can take reasonably good pictures.
Painted the living room in dual tone, grey and red (pure red), and got some strong blue sofas.
(and people actually says “This is a color I would have never painted a house, until I see yours”).
Neighbors congratulate me on the smell, when I do my wine chicken.
Last night I was making brownies, and today I made my first fettuccini Alfredo with chicken (although I used Bucatini #9 pasta that I use for tomatoes chicken pasta), and it came out right.

I wonder what it is going to be next…

Barilla Bucatini n9

Hunger killer. Are you hungry now? je je :-P

And yes, the time of the posting is right, I woke up at 3am to cook...

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