Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A little spider I see sometimes on the balcony glass door.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Yep, that is my way of disturbing the peace in the neighborhood.
This time I am removing the socle of the study-room.

Yeah, I know playing need for speed too loud was my traditional method, but hey, I can’t always disturb them the same way!

Friday, February 11, 2005

The elusive solution.

Considering how simple is to see others people issues, and how much trouble I was having fixing one, I went to the assumption, I was part of the problem. I had already lost my sleep pattern, and I think I was going to grow white hairs out of it. So how much worst could it get?

Well, realizing (accepting) that one is part of the problem, is an enlighten experience, and definitely an ego butcher.

Knowing this, allowed me (somehow) to loose up, and it pumped me out of the problem (a little bit).

Is ego a bad thing? Well, I tend to think that ego and insecurity are the base for human civilization development. It creates great people trying to show what they can do…creating technological evolution.

I have, to some degree, both of this “qualities”; but I don’t think that they are in proportions to make me a pioneer, inventor in life. On the other hand, they come handy to “recognize” other people issues (it is easy to recognize apples, when one works with them every day).

Well, back to the original subject.
I am so glad I figured this one myself (is that pride? Or are we seeing some ego here as well?).

And now is a good time to leave, Omar Park sounds good.


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The living room. And it is a challenge for a camera to get the colors right. I guess tu much red saturates the digital circuits :-P.
That wall is red, not orange.

I am discovering abilities I didn’t know I had.

I have always been this shy guy, nerdy as hell, with programming and math abilities.

But lately, things are changing.
Maybe my right brain decided it was time for a revolution, and took over the left one.
I don’t know.

But five months ago, I got this camera, and can take reasonably good pictures.
Painted the living room in dual tone, grey and red (pure red), and got some strong blue sofas.
(and people actually says “This is a color I would have never painted a house, until I see yours”).
Neighbors congratulate me on the smell, when I do my wine chicken.
Last night I was making brownies, and today I made my first fettuccini Alfredo with chicken (although I used Bucatini #9 pasta that I use for tomatoes chicken pasta), and it came out right.

I wonder what it is going to be next…

Barilla Bucatini n9

Hunger killer. Are you hungry now? je je :-P

And yes, the time of the posting is right, I woke up at 3am to cook...

Monday, February 07, 2005

Come on, it is too early to be taking shots.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Yesterday was the beginning of a long weekend. It is carnival over here.
With these festivities, the city gets empty, as everybody rushes to leave, as if there was some kind of epidemic disease.

Well, I didn’t, and I thought I was I was the only one. But early this morning, as I went for a bike ride to the Causeway (at 5:30am), I found I was mistaken. That early, I found already people walking, not many.

By 7am, the place was full with life. Family’s walking their dogs, a crew of at least 16 people, jogging and singing together, two teams of bikers (one had just mountain bikes, and the other just route bikes), plus other un-teamed bikers (like me).

There was a constant strong fresh wind that felt kind of inspiring. It would probably have been a perfect day for a poet to sit on a bench to write something. But I am no poet; instead I took some pictures, trying to capture emotions of the moment.

Amazing, I can't remember the name of this hotel (and I see it every time I go riding my bike).

A palmtree against the wind.

Back to the Future!!!

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute dock.

More sunrise...

Panama city.

There was this huge worm. (and if you pay attention, you can see my pulse was 60 :-P)

A lonely bench.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


The last couple of weeks, I have been looking at portable computers.
I had this emotional thing, and I wanted one, a light one that I could take anywhere.

After doing some research, I was convinced to acquire a Toshiba Protégé M200.
The idea of writing directly on the screen seemed appealing.

And just when I was about to break the piggy money box, I came with the idea of building a dummy.

So I took a thin binder witch had the exact dimensions of the equipment I wanted, and placed two 2.5pounds weights inside (took them from the bodybuilder set). Then I sealed the thing with paper and duck tape.

I have been carrying this heavy thing with me all day. Using it as a clipboard to write on top of it, and caring it for it as if it was a really $2k equipment (meaning at the restaurant, I had to take it with me, did not left in the car).

And I have to say, it was a hassle….

By the end of the day, my arm was tired, and my “emotional desire” to get this toy was almost gone.

What is the point of having a “portable” device, if it will stay home, because it is a hassle?
Desktop computers are much cheaper…

This toy is something I just could not reason out of myself (ejem, it was not reason it in the first place), but the dummy is helping.

I think I will give it a try a couple of weeks, let’s see what happens…