Wednesday, November 03, 2004

November first, CerroAzul...

Well I had an idea.
I wanted to go to Cerro Azul, and see if I could bike all the way from the house, down to the gate (where Comasa is) and back uphill.

So I pack my “stuff” and went.
Arrived at night, and it was *cold*, so I made fire. Did I mention I love fire?

There was full moon, and I was taking creepy pictures...

The next morning, I biked around. This is a little river there is close to the gate.
I was still *fresh* at this point, as it was mostly downhill.

Took me 40 minutes to get to the gate, and 72 minutes more to come back, for a merely 10km(total ride). It was a lot harder than I expected it. I don’t think I want to repeat that again… silly me.

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