Later, during the week, the possibility of acquiring an used surfing board came up. But I have to travel all the way to Santa Catalina (in Santiago) to get it. Also the regular boards are much cheaper (and portable) than the long-boards.
So I was kind of inclined for the regular surf board. Nevertheless, I arranged to meet a pal at the beach, and try his regular surf board, and learn how much different the board is.
But that was actually a secondary objective. More desirable for me, was to just go to the beach, walk on the sand during the night, see the sunrise and swim.
On Saturday I arrived home at around 7pm, and was quite tired from all the bike ridding, by the time I had lunch and had everything else setup, it was 9pm. And I decided not to drive to the beach. It seemed wiser to sleep at home.
Nevertheless, I setup the alarm clock for 3am. I definitely was going to try seeing that sunrise.
The next morning, as the alarm clock beeped, I had second thoughts. These plans of waking up so early do not seem that wise when you actually try to follow them.
By 3:30am, I was driving on my way first to the supermarket (quick shopping) and then to Nikos (for breakfast). I was surprised to learn that at 3:30 am, the restaurant was so full. I had to wait in line like 10 minutes (witch seemed like an eternity, one because I was really hungry, and second, cause I really wanted to get going).
By 4:10, I was finally on my way…There was 0 traffic, and even when I didn’t do the route much faster than usual, time flew.A few kilometers before Coronado, I already started to notice a beautiful moon on my left. It had a very bright object next to it, probably a planet. A few minutes later, I went by Coronado, and exclamated, “I am already here!”. I had almost arrived to El Palmar. I was going to have the chance to take a few pictures of the sunrise at the beach.
I got to my friends house street, but as it was 5:30am, I didn’t got into the backyard area. I didn’t want to wake them up.Quickly I got of my vehicle, opened the trunk, took the tripod out, and ran for the beach.
I had the chance to take one picture with the moon (although digital cameras are rather noisy under such low light conditions), and then a lot of pictures of the sunrise. I felt so happy. The sunrise was just beautiful, and seeing it while hearing the sound of the waves was plain heaven in earth.
Waking up at 3:00am, was worth it. I am glad I followed the original plan.
The best way to describe the moment, I think, is to post a few shots.

The moon...

I could't see what I was shooting at, so I left the moon out of the composition.

Then, later during the day, I tried the surfing twice, and all I can say is I goofed big time. I guess I am not ready for a regular surf board. On the other hand, swimming was good (after I got rid of the surf board).
1 comment:
Stupendous fotos! The Moon and Venus are in near conjunction according to NPR's Star Date.
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